Hi. First of all, I'm sorry if my english it's not clear, but I'm not english speaker and less writer.
I start using LilyPond a month ago, and it feels great realy great. But I have a problem with the \header block. I coudn't find how to format the text in it. I want, for example, to reduce the font size, and I coudn't find how. As you (developers of LilyPond), I'm very interested in making my scores look great and confortable to readers, and I think that having a way of making everything formated it's the way. That's why I chose LiliPond. But, how do I format the score in the paper? (some information about this I found) and, how do I format the \header block? Thank you!! Marcos www.lafurca.com _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user