Am Donnerstag, 6. Mai 2004 19:53 schrieb Julien Salort:
> Hi,
> I'm new to lilypond.
> I'm trying to get MIDI output. It works but I can't get the tempo right.
> I've read the archive. It seems that this issue has been discussed many
> times but I saw no solutions nor workaround.
> Have I missed something ?
> I'm using lilypond 2.2.0. Has this been corrected in later versions ?

I'm still using 2.0.3 and it works (so it should in 2.2.0).
Are you using the tag "\midi { \tempo 4 = $FOO }"???
if you set that $FOO to a specific tempo (e.g. 100) you should get correct 
midi output.

HTH, best regards Jan

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