On Saturday 27 March 2004 13:25, Edward Sanford Sutton, III wrote:

>   I now have a 'copyright renewed 1943' edition which might fix some
> of the mistakes, but then I don't think it could be on mutopiaproject
> right?

I don't think that is right.  A copyright renewal was required after 28
years, which was halfway through the life of the original
U.S. copyright.  The date of the renewal, or the fact of a renewal, now
changes nothing.  You can assume with safety that a renewal date is 28
years after the original copyright date, but the cutoff date as
previously explained is unchanged.  Unless the new material was
copyrighted and not just renewed, the author is out of luck.  He was
relying on the original copyright, which has lapsed.

The Berne convention uses the life of the author, which prevents a
revision by the author from extablishing a new copyright.  The cutoff
date was intended to be absolute.  It may be that even a new copyright
would not be valid for that material.  daveA

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