> At least in 2.1.34, it certainly splits into several lines, however
> I'm afraid that raggedright doesn't do exactly what you expect,
> especially it's not similar to what you get with \raggedright in
> LaTeX.
> What LilyPond does with this option, is that it breaks the lines at
> the same places as it would if you had not given the option. But,
> instead of squeezing together or widening the spacing, it uses the
> default spacing, which means that some of the resulting lines may be
> far too long and some far too short.

Not true, it will not make lines longer than the linelength; this is a
problem if the natural length of a single measure is longer than the

Bostjan, if the above is not the case, then can you submit a failing
sample? You only need to submit the lily-XXXX.ly file.


 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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