At 09:05 AM 3/16/2004 -0500, you wrote:
>I just learned about lilypond this week, and am amazed by what it can do.
>However, I was wondering, does lilypond do standard percussion articulations
>such as open rolls, closed rolls, flams, etc.?  If so, how?  Has anyone
>addressed this with an addon or something?
>Scott Webber

Interesting timing.  This topic has come up a couple of times recently.  I
need to code a piece with percussion myself.  As for flams and ruffs, I
need them, too, as well as some beamed and slashed grace notes that change
across different "pitches".  My percussionist friends tell me there are two
notations used for "closed" rudiments.  One is to put a tie across the
"grace notes" to the main note and the other it to put a slash through the
stem/flag.  LilyPond can do either, but currently cannot put a slash
through a set of beamed grace notes.  This is what I need to do.

Maybe it's time for a feature request.  Jan, Han-Wen....?


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