First of all, read the release notes of version 2.1.29,
Thomas Scharkowski wrote:
I have noticed recently that lilypond produces "empty" midi-tracks sometimes. I have already tested several *.ly files I had written some time ago (with version 2.0.1, they did produce correct midi-
files then), they do not work anymore (for midi)!
I have tried some examples from the doc examples (Bach Fugue and Satie) and these still _do_ produce midi.
So I am a bit confused and perhaps I have missed something simple, but I cannot find out why midi does not work anymore for my files.
I have a short example here, pleas tell me what is wrong:
Thomas cygwin --
\version "2.1.28"
\score {
\notes \relative c' {
\repeat unfold 16 {
c d e f g a b c b a g f e d c b }
c1 \bar "|."
\midi {\tempo 4 = 96}
\paper {}
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