On Feb 23, 2004, at 11:30 AM, Christian Hitz wrote:
I've had the same result with the same setup. I'm hoping the maintainer (Matthias Neeracher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ) will update the fink files soon! I sent a request to that effect.
If you look at the mailing list archives for lilypond-user, lilypond-develop and bug-lilypond for the last week, you will see that this problem is not specific for Fink. Han-Wen hoped to have solved it in 1.2.26 but it seems there are still some problems.
I installed 1.2.26 today via fink. The mentioned install problems do not appear in this version.
Christian [System: macos x 10.3.2]
Thanks for posting.. I was also successful in updating to 1.2..26....on to testing it!!
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