On Feb 22, 2004, at 9:52 PM, Walter Hofmeister wrote:

Hello All,
I have been trying to get 2.1.25 to install under Fink on OS X and have
had some problems. The method is as follows:
1. Download the source tarball and and the lilypond-2.1.25-1.i386.rpm file
and place them in the folder /sw/src (this is where Fink is going to look
for source).
2. Locate the Lilypond-unstable.info and the lilypond-unstable.patch file
and open them using a text editor. Change all instances of 2.1.x (2.1.17 in
my case) to 2.1.25.
3. In Terminal run the command: fink index (This will rebuild the fink
database so that it knows there is a new version).
4. Run: fink list (to verify that it now knows there is a new version.)
5. Run: fink install lilypond-unstable

Away it goes for about 10 -12 minutes untill I get:

A lot of stuff left out

Now processing:
`/sw/src/lilypond-unstable-2.1.25-1/lilypond-2.1.25/ly/generate- documentatio
Parsing...[/sw/src/lilypond-unstable-2.1.25-1/lilypond-2.1.25/share/ lilypond
/ly/init.ly[/sw/src/lilypond-unstable-2.1.25-1/lilypond-2.1.25/share/ lilypon
d/ly/declarations-init.ly[/sw/src/lilypond-unstable-2.1.25-1/lilypond -2.1.25
/share/lilypond/ly/nederlands.ly][/sw/src/lilypond-unstable-2.1.25-1/ lilypon
d-2.1.25/share/lilypond/ly/drumpitch-init.ly][/sw/src/lilypond- unstable-2.1.
25-1/lilypond-2.1.25/share/lilypond/ly/chord-modifiers-init.ly][/sw/ src/lily
pond-unstable-2.1.25-1/lilypond-2.1.25/share/lilypond/ly/script- init.ly][/sw
/src/lilypond-unstable-2.1.25-1/lilypond-2.1.25/share/lilypond/ly/ scale-defi
nitions-init.ly][/sw/src/lilypond-unstable-2.1.25-1/lilypond-2.1.25/ share/li
lypond/ly/grace-init.ly][/sw/src/lilypond-unstable-2.1.25-1/lilypond -2.1.25/
share/lilypond/ly/midi-init.ly[/sw/src/lilypond-unstable-2.1.25-1/ lilypond-2
.1.25/share/lilypond/ly/performer-init.ly]][/sw/src/lilypond-unstable -2.1.25
-1/lilypond-2.1.25/share/lilypond/ly/engraver-init.ly][/sw/src/ lilypond-unst
able-2.1.25-1/lilypond-2.1.25/share/lilypond/ly/dynamic-scripts- init.ly][/sw
/src/lilypond-unstable-2.1.25-1/lilypond-2.1.25/share/lilypond/ly/ spanners-i
nit.ly][/sw/src/lilypond-unstable-2.1.25-1/lilypond-2.1.25/share/ lilypond/ly
/property-init.ly]][/sw/src/lilypond-unstable-2.1.25-1/lilypond -2.1.25/ly/ge
nerate-documentation.ly[/sw/src/lilypond-unstable-2.1.25-1/lilypond -2.1.25/s
hare/lilypond/scm/documentation-lib.scm][/sw/src/lilypond-unstable -2.1.25-1/
lilypond-2.1.25/share/lilypond/scm/document-functions.scm][/sw/src/ lilypond-
unstable-2.1.25-1/lilypond-2.1.25/share/lilypond/scm/document- translation.sc
m][/sw/src/lilypond-unstable-2.1.25-1/lilypond-2.1.25/share/lilypond/ scm/doc
ument-music.scm][/sw/src/lilypond-unstable-2.1.25-1/lilypond-2.1.25/ share/li
lypond/scm/document-backend.scm][/sw/src/lilypond-unstable-2.1.25-1/ lilypond
-2.1.25/share/lilypond/scm/document-markup.scm]*** malloc[6369]:
Deallocation of a pointer not malloced: 0x2b8aa08; This could be a double
free(), or free() called with the middle of an allocated block; Try setting
environment variable MallocHelp to see tools to help debug
*** malloc[6369]: Deallocation of a pointer not malloced: 0x2b8ab68; This
could be a double free(), or free() called with the middle of an allocated
block; Try setting environment variable MallocHelp to see tools to help
*** malloc[6369]: Deallocation of a pointer not malloced: 0x2b8aba8; This
could be a double free(), or free() called with the middle of an allocated
block; Try setting environment variable MallocHelp to see tools to help
*** malloc[6369]: Deallocation of a pointer not malloced: 0x2b8abf0; This
could be a double free(), or free() called with the middle of an allocated
block; Try setting environment variable MallocHelp to see tools to help
*** malloc[6369]: Deallocation of a pointer not malloced: 0x2b8abf8; This
could be a double free(), or free() called with the middle of an allocated
block; Try setting environment variable MallocHelp to see tools to help
gnumake[2]: *** [out/lilypond-internals.texi] Error 138
gnumake[1]: *** [all] Error 2
gnumake: *** [all] Error 2

Followed by more stuff left out, then:

Now processing:
`/sw/src/lilypond-unstable-2.1.25-1/lilypond-2.1.25/ly/generate- documentatio
Parsing...[/sw/src/lilypond-unstable-2.1.25-1/lilypond-2.1.25/share/ lilypond
/ly/init.ly[/sw/src/lilypond-unstable-2.1.25-1/lilypond-2.1.25/share/ lilypon
d/ly/declarations-init.ly[/sw/src/lilypond-unstable-2.1.25-1/lilypond -2.1.25
/share/lilypond/ly/nederlands.ly][/sw/src/lilypond-unstable-2.1.25-1/ lilypon
d-2.1.25/share/lilypond/ly/drumpitch-init.ly][/sw/src/lilypond- unstable-2.1.
25-1/lilypond-2.1.25/share/lilypond/ly/chord-modifiers-init.ly][/sw/ src/lily
pond-unstable-2.1.25-1/lilypond-2.1.25/share/lilypond/ly/script- init.ly][/sw
/src/lilypond-unstable-2.1.25-1/lilypond-2.1.25/share/lilypond/ly/ scale-defi
nitions-init.ly][/sw/src/lilypond-unstable-2.1.25-1/lilypond-2.1.25/ share/li
lypond/ly/grace-init.ly][/sw/src/lilypond-unstable-2.1.25-1/lilypond -2.1.25/
share/lilypond/ly/midi-init.ly[/sw/src/lilypond-unstable-2.1.25-1/ lilypond-2
.1.25/share/lilypond/ly/performer-init.ly]][/sw/src/lilypond-unstable -2.1.25
-1/lilypond-2.1.25/share/lilypond/ly/engraver-init.ly][/sw/src/ lilypond-unst
able-2.1.25-1/lilypond-2.1.25/share/lilypond/ly/dynamic-scripts- init.ly][/sw
/src/lilypond-unstable-2.1.25-1/lilypond-2.1.25/share/lilypond/ly/ spanners-i
nit.ly][/sw/src/lilypond-unstable-2.1.25-1/lilypond-2.1.25/share/ lilypond/ly
/property-init.ly]][/sw/src/lilypond-unstable-2.1.25-1/lilypond -2.1.25/ly/ge
nerate-documentation.ly[/sw/src/lilypond-unstable-2.1.25-1/lilypond -2.1.25/s
hare/lilypond/scm/documentation-lib.scm][/sw/src/lilypond-unstable -2.1.25-1/
lilypond-2.1.25/share/lilypond/scm/document-functions.scm][/sw/src/ lilypond-
unstable-2.1.25-1/lilypond-2.1.25/share/lilypond/scm/document- translation.sc
m][/sw/src/lilypond-unstable-2.1.25-1/lilypond-2.1.25/share/lilypond/ scm/doc
ument-music.scm][/sw/src/lilypond-unstable-2.1.25-1/lilypond-2.1.25/ share/li
lypond/scm/document-backend.scm][/sw/src/lilypond-unstable-2.1.25-1/ lilypond
-2.1.25/share/lilypond/scm/document-markup.scm]*** malloc[12770]:
Deallocation of a pointer not malloced: 0x2b8aa08; This could be a double
free(), or free() called with the middle of an allocated block; Try setting
environment variable MallocHelp to see tools to help debug
*** malloc[12770]: Deallocation of a pointer not malloced: 0x2b8ab68; This
could be a double free(), or free() called with the middle of an allocated
block; Try setting environment variable MallocHelp to see tools to help
*** malloc[12770]: Deallocation of a pointer not malloced: 0x2b8aba8; This
could be a double free(), or free() called with the middle of an allocated
block; Try setting environment variable MallocHelp to see tools to help
*** malloc[12770]: Deallocation of a pointer not malloced: 0x2b8abf0; This
could be a double free(), or free() called with the middle of an allocated
block; Try setting environment variable MallocHelp to see tools to help
*** malloc[12770]: Deallocation of a pointer not malloced: 0x2b8abf8; This
could be a double free(), or free() called with the middle of an allocated
block; Try setting environment variable MallocHelp to see tools to help
gnumake[2]: *** [out/lilypond-internals.texi] Error 138
gnumake[1]: *** [install] Error 2
gnumake: *** [install] Error 2
### execution of gnumake failed, exit code 2
Failed: installing lilypond-unstable-2.1.25-1 failed

Any ideas? I have upgraded the OS to 10.3.2 since my last build and suspect
that this could be a problem but I have installed and re-installed all of
the developers tools. Any other Mac users out there ever seen this before.
I am not a programmer but I do recognize that malloc problems are funtions
to allocate memory. Does this look like an incomplete installation or a
problem with the source?

Walter Hofmeister

I've had the same result with the same setup. I'm hoping the maintainer (Matthias Neeracher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ) will update the fink files soon! I sent a request to that effect.


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