On 2004/01/27, Walter Hofmeister wrote:

>I successfully executed the "fink reinstall fink" command from the
>terminal but when I tried the "selfupdate" command, I got the
>/usr/bin/su walterhofmeister -c 'cvs  -z3 update -d -P'
>*** malloc: vm_allocate(size=1342177280) failed with 3
>*** malloc[476]: error: Can't allocate region
>cvs [update aborted]: can not reallocate 1342177280 bytes
>### execution of /usr/bin/su failed, exit code 1
>Failed: Updating using CVS failed. Check the error messages above.
>This is the same output I got from both FinkCommander and Terminal. Is
>it trying to write a virtual memory file 1.34 gig? The disk has 4.1
>gig of free space. Any ideas? Is something hosed?

I am now officially in over my head. I don't know what that error means.

Have you tried this question on the Fink mailing list? (or navigated
their labyrinthine website looking for an answer)?

My Fink installation is small enough that if something like this were to
happen to me I would just trash my entire /sw/ directory and start over.
You may not wish to do that, and you may be a smarter problem-solver
than I am.

I do know that updating via rsync is preferred over updating via cvs -
but that also forces you to use the whole "unstable" tree, which may be
exactly what you meant to avoid. Using the entire "unstable" tree has
been working just fine for me, but I don't have any time-critical
Lilypond projects so I can afford down time if it happens.


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