If these are ones you created you should convert-ly them, too. Atfer doing 
this it should work. (I hope so.) So you don't need to rename anything.
If it doesn't work after converting these files, look to the file containing 
"horizontal-line"-syntax and put it into a new mail for a bug report for 
convert-ly. The converting script should recognize this and put it in the new 
syntax, I think.

Regards Jan Kohnert

Am Montag, 27. Oktober 2003 22:26 schrieb Jeffery B. Rancier:
> Jan Kohnert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > The error seems to be a tex-error. So have you converted
> > "../../templates/paper.ly" and "../../templates/midi.ly"
> > or are this original lily-2.0.1 files?
> Oh, did I use names I shouldn't have?  midi.ly and paper.ly are ones
> I've created.  Perhaps, I've some namespace conflict?  I'll rename
> them and try again.

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