On Saturday 13 September 2003 08:08 pm, Nathan Hurst wrote:
> On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 11:08:52 -0700
> Paul Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Rune Zedeler wrote:
> > > We see this question very often on this list - and I REALLY don't
> > > understand why... :-(
> >
> > Apparently this is not related to the OP's question but I don't see
> > why you don't understand.  It's because that's the way Finale and
> > other software works.  If you've used other software long enough it
> > doesn't even occur to you that Lily would do it differently.
> Indeed, and it suggests that the documentation should make this point
> more clearly.  I made the same mistake when I started out.

It really wouldn't be that difficult to make a setting to
make-key-signature-chromatics true which would do what it
says and leave notes which have accidentals alone.  So in G
major if you wrote an f it would be an f-sharp, and if
you wrote a fis it would still be an f-sharp, and if
you wrote a feses it would be f double flat.  The
only addition to the notes syntax needed would be
fn, to write an f-natural.

THe complications arise from trying to do more, when
nothing more is useful.

IAC, by explaining that setting, which is self explanatory,
you also necessarily explain what happens without the setting,
and with any luck at all the topic will turn up much less

Is there some reason "x" can't be used optionally instead of
"ss"?  It wouldn't be necessary to get rid of "ss" to do it.

Why should any country entrust its young people to the leadership of 
the same
morons who *invaded the wrong country*?  Answer: For lots of money.  
The U.S.
is broke, a poor credit risk, and stiffed "partners" in the first Gulf 
D. Raleigh Arnold dra@ http://www.openguitar.com [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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