On Sun, 31 Aug 2003 22:29:32 +0200
Thorkil Wolvendans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (please compile VM01.ly to see the problem)

One general comment -- since you're in 3/4 time, Lilypond should automatically
beam in quarters.  There's no need to do [a8 b] [c d] everywhere.  That might
improve the readability of your scores.  :)

> 1) From measure 49 to 52 (page 2), I want a slur to go from <bes2 bes'> to 
> <a2.>. Because there's a second voice involved, I can't create that slur. 
> How can I get Lilypond to place that slur? NB: I don't want to tie one 
> voice to another!

My inclination would be to add a second (silent, invisible) voice to the
first few bars (49 until the second voice really enters).  I don't know of
a "proper" way to do this, but mine works for me.

> 2) In measure 92 (page 3) something very strange is going on: a normal 
> barline followed by a new key signature and a double barline. As far as I 
> can see, this is not what I've typed. What's wrong?

You told Lilypond "r1", which means a four-beat rest.  Lilypond has a 3-beat
rest, a bar line, an invisible quarter-note rest (held over from the initial
r1) and then your \bar "||".  You probably want R2.  (the R will make it
display a whole-bar rest, and will last for the desired 2. )

- Graham

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