
I forwarded one of the cyrillic emails I saved.
Here is a hebrew on for ly2dvi.

On th advice of the list I changed some lines in ly2dvi and then used
this format for hebrew lyrics.

I can't get hebrew titles to work however..
I also forwarded the email with the changes to ly2dvi.
I hope they are of assistance.

On Sun, 2003-08-03 at 18:42, Laura Conrad wrote:
> >>>>> "aaron" == aamehl  <Aaron> writes:
>     aaron> On would think that the Russian thread would be of
>     aaron> help. Did you read it?? I will look to see if I have it. If
>     aaron> you can't find it and think the hebrew stuff could help
>     aaron> you, write me off list and I can send it to you.
> I'd expect Polish to be more like Scandinavian than like Russian or
> Hebrew.  That is, it's Latin-2, not some completely different
> alphabet.  But using the magic word in the Scandinavian thread:
>   \translator{
>     \ScoreContext
>     LyricText  \override #'font-name = #"ecrm1000"
>   }
> doesn't help very much.  (I think it got me one of the five characters
> I was trying to get.)
> So if you can send me a simple file that gets Hebrew Lyrics, yes, I'll
> look at it and see if it helps.  
> For 1.10, or 2.0 or whatever the next real rev is, can we get LaTeX
> constructs in lyrics?  Such as \l and \k{a}?
\version "1.6.10"               % Thanks, Han-Wen!

% Do you still have problems with the titles?
\header {
  title = "Title"
 language = "hebrew,english" % don't forget to uncomment this!

\include "paper26.ly"

% General purpose mapping function: applies FUNC to every
% text field in MUSIC.
#(define (text-map func music)
  (let ((text (ly-get-mus-property music 'text))
        (element (ly-get-mus-property music 'element))
        (elements (ly-get-mus-property music 'elements)))
   (if (not (null? text))
    (ly-set-mus-property! music 'text (func text)))
   (if (not (null? element))
    (ly-set-mus-property! music 'element (text-map func element)))
   (if (not (null? elements))
    (ly-set-mus-property! music 'elements
      (map (lambda (m) (text-map func m)) elements)))

% Does Scheme really not include this function?
#(define (string-reverse str)
  (list->string (reverse (string->list str))))

% Reverse every word (in terms of the above two functions)
#(define (text-reverse lyric)
  (text-map string-reverse lyric))

% Sandwich every word between PRE and POST
#(define (text-augment pre post)
  (lambda (lyric)
   (text-map (lambda (word) (string-append pre word post)) lyric)))

% I factored out the lyrics, and also tried setting
% the extra-offset property randomly.  It works.
lyr = \lyrics {
   % א
    %\property LyricsVoice . LyricText \override #'extra-offset = #'(5 . 0)
    %\property LyricsVoice . LyricText \revert #'extra-offset

\score {
    \notes {
      \clef "treble"
      \key  g \minor
      \property Staff.midiInstrument = "oboe" 
      \time 4/4

\relative d' {  
\partial 8 g8   | 
g8 g8 g16 d16 c4 c8   | 
 \grace {g16}   b8 b8 b16 g16 c8. d16 g8   | 
g8 d8 c4 ~  c16 d16 g16 f16   | 
% FR(5)
b4 g8 b16 \grace {b16 }  b16 g8 c16 d16   | 
g8 g16 d16 g32 d32 c16 c4 c8   | 
 \grace {g16}  b8 b8 b16 g16 c8. g16 g32 g32 g16   | 
\times 3/2 { g16 d16 g16 bis16 } c4.   | 
b8-"art" c8 b8 ais8. b16 b16-\prall ais16 ~    | 
% FR(10)
b16 b16 b8 b8 b4 ais16 b16   | 
c8 b8 c16 b16 ais8 b8 b16 ais16   | 
b4. b4. \grace {ais16 b16 }  f4.   | 
r8 b8 ais8 b8. f16 \times 2/3 { b32 ais32 b32 f16}   | 
f8-"art" f8-"art" f16-"art" d16 f4-"art" ~  f16 g16-"art"   | 
% FR(15)
b4. \grace {b8 }  f8 b16 f16 g8   | 
d16 c16 b8 ~  b4. s4/3  | 
b4. \grace }{b8 }  f8 b16 f16 g8   | 
d4. c4. s4  | 


    \context Lyrics \apply #(text-augment "\\R{" "}") \lyrics {
המבדיל בין קודש בין קודש לחול חטאתנו הוא ימחל זרעינו וכספנוירבה כחול וככוכבים בלילה 
יום פנה כצל תאמר אקרא נא עליך גמר אמר שמר אתא בקר וגם לילה 
%           Here you probably want to use "\\R{" and "}" instead.
\paper {
  papersize = "a4"
  indent = 0.0\cm
  } \midi { \tempo 4 = 106 } 

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