On Sat, 2003-08-02 at 03:53, noname wrote:
> I have recently come across Lilypond, but since I am not a programmer I am a
> little overwhelmed. 

Neither am I. I have tried Denemo and Noteedit and after learning abcm
and now lilypond, I find that ascii music entry is much easier than gui.

I heard a rumor that Igor (I am not sure of the exact name) is comeing
out with a version for Linux???

But don't give up on Lilypond so quick.
There are a few tricks that helped me get over the initial learning
1. Read the documentation
2. Use templates. I have problems getting brackets to match until I
started with a template.
3. Choose a text editor that makes note entry easier emacs or vim. 
4. Read the Lilypond users group emails, they are great and it is a
fantastic group full of extremely helpful and patient people!!!


>  Is there a notation application similar to Finale or
> Sibelius for the Linux platform?  Any assistance would be greatly
> appreciated.
> Thanks in advance,
> David Hughes
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