I can probably get answers to some of this if I read some of the stuff
the people doing Hebrew, Russian, or Chinese have been struggling
with, but it seems like Polish should be easier.  Also, I have the
abc2ly problem, which I don't think any of them have mentioned.

My first attempt was a little abc file:

Attachment: test.abc
Description: Binary data

This has a line of Polish "lyrics" which looks correct in xemacs:

        w:Ą eł żą Ź

But when abc2ly turns it into lilypond, it no longer looks anything
like Polish:
        wordsdefaultVA = \lyrics  {
                - B¡ e³ ¿± ¬- A 

So when I run lilypond on test.ly, I get:

/home/lconrad/music/psaumes/babylon-polish/test.ly:8:0: error: syntax error, 
unexpected $undefined:

¡ e³ ¿± ¬ 

If I hand-substitute the real Polish characters for the ones that
abc2ly mangled, I still get the error, and only the ascii "e" comes
out in the lyrics.

Putting quotes around each "word" removes the error, but I still don't
get any Polish characters in the output.

So what am I going to have to do:

        in Lilypond, to make it recognize that it should be printing
        Polish (latin-2 or latin-3 encoding instead of latin-1)?

        in abc2ly, to make it transfer the characters I type instead
        of garbling them?

Laura (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , http://www.laymusic.org/ )
(617) 661-8097  fax: (801) 365-6574 
233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139

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