hm maybe its not allowed??? I see that it didn't arrive, here is it again. With the source and I also would like a clearer understanding of how to turn autobeaming off, I had a bit of trouble understanding the documentation on this.
I am including pdf because most people don't have hebrew installed on their system. I still need to brush up on spacing a bit but I think you will get the idea. Aaron ----------------clip---------- \version "1.6.10" % Thanks, Han-Wen! % Do you still have problems with the titles? \header { title = "title" language = "hebrew,english" % don't forget to uncomment this! } \include "" % General purpose mapping function: applies FUNC to every % text field in MUSIC. #(define (text-map func music) (let ((text (ly-get-mus-property music 'text)) (element (ly-get-mus-property music 'element)) (elements (ly-get-mus-property music 'elements))) (if (not (null? text)) (ly-set-mus-property! music 'text (func text))) (if (not (null? element)) (ly-set-mus-property! music 'element (text-map func element))) (if (not (null? elements)) (ly-set-mus-property! music 'elements (map (lambda (m) (text-map func m)) elements))) music)) % Does Scheme really not include this function? #(define (string-reverse str) (list->string (reverse (string->list str)))) % Reverse every word (in terms of the above two functions) #(define (text-reverse lyric) (text-map string-reverse lyric)) % Sandwich every word between PRE and POST #(define (text-augment pre post) (lambda (lyric) (text-map (lambda (word) (string-append pre word post)) lyric))) % I factored out the lyrics, and also tried setting % the extra-offset property randomly. It works. lyr = \lyrics { % א %\property LyricsVoice . LyricText \override #'extra-offset = #'(5 . 0) %ta %\property LyricsVoice . LyricText \revert #'extra-offset %damm } \score { \addlyrics \notes { \clef "treble" \key e \minor \time 2/4 \grace {[e'16 fis']} e'8 e' [b16 b] [e' e'] | g'4 g' | g'8 fis'\times 2/3 {e'8 fis' g'} | fis'4 fis' | %5 fis'8 b [b16 b] fis'8 | a'4 a'8 [a'16 c''] | b'8 a' g'\times 2/3 {[fis'16 e' fis']} | e'2 | %10 \grace {b'8}b'8 b' b'4 | b'8 [a'16 b'] a'8 [g'16 g'16] | a'8 a' a'4 | a'8 [g'16 a'] g'8 [fis'16 fis'] | %15 g'4 g'4 | g'8 [fis'16 g'] fis'8 [e'16 e'] | g'8 g' g' \times 2/3 {[fis'16 e' fis']}| e'2 \bar "|." } \context Lyrics \apply #(text-augment "\\R{" "}") \lyrics { in here are hebrew lyrics its a shame that most of you won't see it.... מה _ _ י די דות מ נו ח תך את _ ש בת ה מל כה בכן_ _ נ רוץ לק רא תך בו אי כ לה נ סו _ _ כה ל בוש בג די ח _ _ מו דות ל הד ליק נר בב _ _ ר כה ו ת כל כל ה ע בו דות לא תע שו מ לא _ _ כה } % Here you probably want to use "\\R{" and "}" instead. \paper { papersize = "a4" indent = 0.0\cm } } -----------------clip----------------- On Sun, 2003-07-06 at 02:08, David Boersma wrote: > On 5 Jul 2003, Aaron wrote: > > > Hi all here is a pdf for all to see. > > Hello Aaron, > > I think you forgot to provide the pdf. At least I did not get it (I am > subscribed to lilypond). > > When you repost it would be nice if you could also provide the > corresponding lily code (complete), both to educate us (the audience) and > to possibly get suggestions from the hackers to get also the title right. > > BTW: > Personally I prefer it when people do *not* *attach* PDF/PS/DVI/PNG files > to their mail, but post URLs (web addresses; on a home page, for example). > But attaching *.ly source files is OK with everybody, I think. > > Cheers, > David Boersma > > > > > Thanks all!!!! > > > > Notice that I can't use hebrew in the title, when I do nothing comes > > out... > > > > But besides that wow. > > Thanks > > Aaron > > > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > > Lilypond-user mailing list > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > > > > > -- > David Boersma > > /"\ ASCII ribbon campaign > \ / --------------------- > X against HTML mail > / \ and postings > >
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