On 5 Jul 2003, Aaron wrote:

> Hi all here is a pdf for all to see.

Hello Aaron,

I think you forgot to provide the pdf. At least I did not get it (I am
subscribed to lilypond).

When you repost it would be nice if you could also provide the
corresponding lily code (complete), both to educate us (the audience) and
to possibly get suggestions from the hackers to get also the title right.

Personally I prefer it when people do *not* *attach* PDF/PS/DVI/PNG files
to their mail, but post URLs (web addresses; on a home page, for example).
But attaching *.ly source files is OK with everybody, I think.

David Boersma

> Thanks all!!!!
> Notice that I can't use hebrew in the title, when I do nothing comes
> out...
> But besides that wow.
> Thanks
> Aaron
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David Boersma

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