I don't really understand why you used two simultaneous parts of music and the spacing rests, since the rhythm can fits perfectly well into a single line of music. Notice that Lilypond considers the grace notes to have zero duration.
I simplified your example a bit:
\time 3/8 df'4^#'(lines (script (music "accidentals--1")) (music scripts-trill")) ( \grace {[c!8 des!8]} ) d!16. d,!32 | df'8.^#'(lines (script (music "accidentals--1")) (music scripts-trill")) ( df!8.^#'(lines (script (music "accidentals--2")) (music scripts-trill")) | \grace {[c!8 df!8]} ) d!8 c,,!4 |
For the wavy line, go to lilypond.org, click on Documentation:Index and then on "tips-and-tricks" and search for the example file trill.ly.
Jacob Smullyan wrote:
On Mon, Jun 23, 2003 at 11:21:34PM +0200, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
Paul forgot to mention that his answer used the new tex markup syntax from the development version 1.7.xx and won't work directly in the stable series 1.6.xx. I don't have Lilypond installed here right now, but I'm sure someone else on the mailing list can provide you with a tested version for 1.6.xx if necessary. Basically, it's something like c4^#(columns (music "scripts-trill") (music "accidentals-0"))
Thanks, that was a big help. The above didn't quite work, but it led me in a workable direction. For the record, this is what I have at the moment, with a little context:
\time 3/8 < {df'4^#'(columns((music "scripts-trill")))^#'(columns((music "accidentals--1"))) (} { s8... \grace {[c!8 df!8]}}> ) d!16. d,!32 df'8.^#'(columns((music "scripts-trill")))^#'(columns((music "accidentals--1"))) ( < df!8.^#'(columns((music "scripts-trill")))^#'(columns((music "accidentals--2"))) {s8 s32.. \grace {[c!8 df!8]}} > ) d!8 c,,!4
(I'm not sure that the "columns" are necessary -- I'm groping a bit!) The output is OK, but not optimal. The accidental above the trill mark is too large, the slur cuts across the trill in a rather unfortunate way, and I'd still prefer a wavy line after the trill (in the second measure, going the full length of the measure over both noteheads, underneath the auxilliary accidentals). But I can live with this. I'm impressed that lilypond can produce very serviceable output without any fine-tuning (although there seems a rather sharp divide between the high-level interface -- c b s4 etc. -- and the low-level one).
Jacob Smullyan
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-- ============================================= Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing Signals, Sensors and Systems Royal Institute of Technology SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] WWW: http://www.s3.kth.se/~mabe =============================================
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