Aaah... OK, I understand. But that's no problem at all. Excuse me if
this isn't all that clear -- it's 6 am, and I must go to bed. You just
need to have something like (this could not be the exact stuff as I
have not looked it up in the manual):

  \property Voice.DynamicText \set #'transparent = ##f
... in each separate Voice context, to hide its dynamics.

But dynamics should be cleared only if they are similar... not for the whole piece. Find attached a small example (with 1.6.10). On the first line, dynamics should appear for both parts and on the second one only once.

By the way, I would like to say that I find lilypond the most efficient music typesetter and its music prints are really the best. Nobody can music type so rapidly with a mouse... Many thanks to it creators.


Villa des Quatre Chemins, Centre Hospitalier, BP 208
tél. : (33) 4 76 67 17 27

Attachment: Conducteur.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

\header {
        title = "Rag Time Dance"
        subtitle = "Rag Time"
        composer = "Scott Joplin"
        arranger = "Arr. Guy Remaud"
        tagline = "Ensemble de clarinettes de Voiron"
        meter = "Pas trop vite"
\include ""
\paper {
        papersize = "a4"
global = {
        \time 2/4
\include ""

ClarinetteI = \notes { \modernCautionaries \transpose c' {
        \clef treble
        \key c \major
        \relative e'' {
                \repeat volta 2 {
                        r8 e\p ( ~ e16 c e ) c f8 r r4     % 56-57
                        R2*2                               % 58-59
                        r8 fs\p ( ~ fs16 c fs ) c          % 60
                        g'8 r a4\p ( )                     % 61
                        a8 g ( ~ g16 e d ) g,              % 62
                        c8 r c' r                          % 63
        \relative g'' {
                \repeat volta 2 {
                        g16\pp ( fs f e ef d cs c          % 64
                        b bf a ) af g8 r                   % 65
                        R2*2                               % 66-67
                        f'16\pp ( e ef d cs c b bf         % 68
                        a af g ) fs f8 r                   % 69
                        R2                                 % 70
                \alternative {
                        { R2 }                             % 71
                        { R2 }                             % 72
        \bar "|."

ClarinetteII = \notes { \modernCautionaries \transpose c' {
        \clef treble
        \key c \major
        \relative f'' {
                \repeat volta 2 {
                        R2*2                               % 56-57
                        r8 f\p ( ~ f16 c f ) c  fs8 r r4   % 58-59
                        R2                                 % 60
                        r4 a\p ~                           % 61
                        a8 g ( ~ g16 e d ) g,              % 62
                        c8 r g' r                          % 63
        \relative e'' {
                \repeat volta 2 {
                        e16\pp ( ef d cs c b bf a          % 64
                        af g fs ) f e8 r  R2*2             % 65-67
                        d'16\pp ( cs c b bf a af g         % 68
                        fs f e ) ef d8 r  R2               % 69-70
                \alternative {
                        { R2 }                             % 71
                        { r4 r8. c'16\mp }                 % 72
        \bar "|."

\score {
                \property Score.BarNumber \override #'padding = #3
                \context StaffGroup = Clarinettes_sib <
                        \context Staff = Clarienttes_1 <
                                \property Staff.instrument = "Cl. 1+2"
                                \property Staff.instr = "1+2"
                                \context Voice=one { \voiceOne \ClarinetteI }
                                \context Voice=two { \voiceTwo \ClarinetteII }
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