NP>   Does anyone know if it's possible to combine more than two voices with 
NP> \partcombine (or something else :-)?  I'd like to be able to print, say, a 
NP> single staff containing all four trumpet parts so I can easily see the 
NP> chord voicings, and also be able to print the individual parts from the 
NP> same input file.

Just use the < and > to indicate simultaneous voices.

voiceI = \context Voice \notes {

anotherVoice = \context Voice \notes {
       blah blah

mostEloquentVoice = \context Voice \notes {

myStaffWithThreeVoices = \context Staff < \voiceI \anotherVoice


Also, if you want to have a file with all the voices, and another file
that combines it, just include the file with the voices:

\include ""

myStaffWithThreeVoices = \context Staff < \voiceI \anotherVoice


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