If you read the section on "page Layout" in the Reference Manual,
you will find that
  interscorelinefill = 1

does the trick of automatically spreading the white space between the
lines of the score.

Hans' answer could be used in addition, if you want to make sure to
minimize the minimal possible spacing to be able to squeeze in your
score in as few pages as possible.


Hans Forbrich wrote:
This is one of the frustrations I meet up with regularily.  I hope this
helps (and also hope that others have better knowledge/experince to share),
but the best I have come up with to date is in 3 steps:

1) ensure that the correct papersize is set (before setting the 'font')
    so at the start, right after the header & before my notes, I have

    \paper = { papersize = "letter" }
    \include "paper16.ly"

(this does not seem to work right in my Cygwin/Lilypond 1.6.7 but is great
in Suse Linux, esp. Lilypond 1.7.12/13.  I have not traced why, so not sure
whether it's a bug.)

2) minimze the 'reserved staff area' ... for each Staff/Lyric/ChordName
    \property Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'( -3 . 3  )

3) set the paper block in the score to modify the 'print area'

    \paper {  interscoreline = 10\mm  % seems to be space between systems
                   textheight = 252\mm     % seems to be total space
allowed for Lily on page
                   linewidth = 170\mm      % seems to be space across the
page for a system
                  \translator { \HaraKiriStaffContext }

I've played with these things until the frustration has been minimized, and
I find that 1) & 3) are simply 'cut & paste' whereas 2) usually takes a bit
of fiddling.  For example, min vertical extent for Lyrics usually ends up (
-1 . 0 ), ChordNames ( 0 . 0 ), Staff somewhere around ( -2 to 3 . 1 to 3
)  I'm starting down the Lilybook path now in hopes to get a better control
over this.


Daniel Ashton wrote:

I'm working with organ music, so three staves, of which the top two are
in a StaffGroup.  This is with 1.6.8/cygwin or 1.6.5/redhat

let line = a set of measures in all staves
(What's a better word for line in this definition?)

I can understand that lily cannot squeeze another line onto the current
page.  However, it leaves a fair amount of white space at the bottom of
the page.  Is there a way to have lily dynamically spread the extra
white space (or some of it) between the lines?

Daniel Ashton      PGP key available     http://Daniel.AshtonFam.org
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