This is one of the frustrations I meet up with regularily.  I hope this
helps (and also hope that others have better knowledge/experince to share),
but the best I have come up with to date is in 3 steps:

1) ensure that the correct papersize is set (before setting the 'font')
    so at the start, right after the header & before my notes, I have

    \paper = { papersize = "letter" }
    \include ""

(this does not seem to work right in my Cygwin/Lilypond 1.6.7 but is great
in Suse Linux, esp. Lilypond 1.7.12/13.  I have not traced why, so not sure
whether it's a bug.)

2) minimze the 'reserved staff area' ... for each Staff/Lyric/ChordName
    \property Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'( -3 . 3  )

3) set the paper block in the score to modify the 'print area'

    \paper {  interscoreline = 10\mm  % seems to be space between systems
                   textheight = 252\mm     % seems to be total space
allowed for Lily on page
                   linewidth = 170\mm      % seems to be space across the
page for a system
                  \translator { \HaraKiriStaffContext }

I've played with these things until the frustration has been minimized, and
I find that 1) & 3) are simply 'cut & paste' whereas 2) usually takes a bit
of fiddling.  For example, min vertical extent for Lyrics usually ends up (
-1 . 0 ), ChordNames ( 0 . 0 ), Staff somewhere around ( -2 to 3 . 1 to 3
)  I'm starting down the Lilybook path now in hopes to get a better control
over this.


Daniel Ashton wrote:

> I'm working with organ music, so three staves, of which the top two are
> in a StaffGroup.  This is with 1.6.8/cygwin or 1.6.5/redhat
> let line = a set of measures in all staves
> (What's a better word for line in this definition?)
> I can understand that lily cannot squeeze another line onto the current
> page.  However, it leaves a fair amount of white space at the bottom of
> the page.  Is there a way to have lily dynamically spread the extra
> white space (or some of it) between the lines?
> --
> Daniel Ashton      PGP key available
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