Hi Chet,

> 1) I get beams on notes that I do not want to have beamed.

Use manual beaming by enclosing the notes you want beamed in square brackets, 

[c8 d] e f [g a] b c

> 2) I have two cords that I want to slur. I can get a bottom slur or a top
> slur but I can not see how to place a top and bottom slur on a chord. 

Slurs only come single, by default. What you probably mean is the tie. Ties 
connect notes that are held over (and thus can come in hordes for chords). 
Slurs indicate a stream of notes that is to be played legato, and thus come 
only as single items.

> 3) I
> have a two cleft piece (treble and bass) with lyrics. The lyrics are placed
> at the bottom of the bass cleft. I would like them in the center of the
> clefts.
> The piece I am writing is a hymn and that is what I would like it to
> resemble.

It's not by chance "Rock of Ages, cleft for me", is it (the opening symbol of 
a musical line is called a clef)?

This is my score block for the purpose (with the lyrics attached to the alto, 
in this case):

\score {
        \context ChoirStaff = chorus <
                \context Staff = women <
                        \property Staff.instrument = "Soprano/Alto"
                        \property Staff.instr = "S/A"
                        \property Staff.automaticMelismata = ##t
                        \clef treble
                        \context Voice = soprano {\voiceOne \sopranoVoice}
                        \context Voice = alto {\voiceTwo \altoVoice}
                        \context Lyrics = bottom \choirLyrics
                \context Staff = men <
                        \property Staff.instrument = "Tenor/Bass"
                        \property Staff.instr = "T/B"
                        \clef bass
                        \context Voice = tenor {\voiceOne \tenorVoice}
                        \context Voice = bass {\voiceTwo \bassVoice}
        \midi {
                \tempo 4=90
        \paper {
                linewidth = 15.0\cm
                \translator { \HaraKiriStaffContext }
                \translator {
                        BarNumber \override #'padding = #3
                        skipBars = ##t

Kind regards,


Amelie Zapf
Louey & Amy P.A. & Entertainment Service GbR
Weichselstr. 17, 12045 Berlin

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