On Sat, 2002-12-14 at 18:57, David Bobroff wrote:
> If I keep all the notes for a piece in one file what is the "proper" (not
> that there is one "right" way) method of adding any needed instances of
> followed by '\break' in the part extracting file to place the line breaks
> where I want them?

a small trick hanwen showed me: in the parts in question, put the
\break's in where you need them (where lilypond doesn't quite produce
the line-breaks you want), and then in the main score file you should
redefine break:

break = \penalty #0

> I suppose it depends on the piece in question but what do most of you
> experienced Lilypond users do with your notes files?  Do you tend to keep
> all the notes in a single file, or do you separate the
> instruments/movements into different files and thenm combine them?  How
> much do you depend on lilypond-book as opposed to 'plain' lilypond to deal
> with page layout issues?

well, i dont know if i count as experienced, but having set three or
four pieces for concert band, i can suggest the following approach:

one working directory, in this directory a subdir called parts in which
i have separate files for the separate sections (one for the three
clarinets, one for the horns, one for the trumpets, ...). in the main
directory a file called score.ly which includes everything, and also a
file global.ly which has rehearsal marks, headers and other stuff which
the whole band neeeds in it. then i normally create one print-file for
each instrument and just include the global.ly file and the relevant
instrument file. once this is done i can then run a batch processing
script over the directory and hey presto i have all of my ps files which
i need for printing. 

this approach works for me, it may not work for others. :) i'm sure it
could be automated even more, whereby the print files are automatically
generated by a script, but i haven't gotten round to writing such a
script yet (plus it would be fairly customised to my working structure).

hope this helps.

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