You have to explicitly create separate Voice contexts for each
line of music. Now, both sobran and alt end up in the same context
and the \voiceTwo command overrides the \voiceOne command.

Try to replace:
              \context Staff <
                \notes {\voiceOne \sopran }
                \notes {\voiceTwo \alt }

              \notes <
                \context Voice=sopran {\voiceOne \sopran }
                \context Voice=alt {\voiceTwo \alt }
See also the user documentation and the files in


Milan M. Horák wrote:
Graham Percival wrote:

I'm confused -- do you have a \version "1.x.y" inside your file?  If not,
why not add that and let convert-ly do its stuff?

I have tried this method. But, convert-ly produces files with as many errors as the non-converted files have. Thus, convert-ly seemed not to be a big deal for me. Finally, editing the files manually is quicker.

I just did a quick test (on 1.6.6) and \voiceOne makes stems up.  What
version are you using?  Maybe you used the \voiceOne command somewhere
where Lilypond wasn't expecting it.  Both \voiceOne and \voiceTwo work well
on my system. (debian/testing, Lilypond 1.6.6)

I am using the version 1.6.4, and \voiceOne makes stems down. I have tried anything I could imagine to do with the source. Nothing helps. :-(

One of the final scores of the songs I have tried is (this one is converted per convert-ly and then manually edited to get rid of all the syntax errors):

\score {
\simultaneous {
\context Staff = mel {
\property Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ"
\property Staff.TimeSignature \override #'style = #'C
\context Staff < \notes {\voiceOne \sopran }
\notes {\voiceTwo \alt }
\context Lyrics \textB
\context Lyrics \textC
\context Lyrics \textD
\context Staff = dolmel { \clef F
\property Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ"
\property Staff.TimeSignature \override #'style = #'C
\context Staff < \notes {\voiceOne \tenor }
\notes {\voiceTwo \bas }
\paper { indent = 0.0\cm linewidth = 18.0\cm }
\midi { \tempo 2 = 60 }

Could you post some score of yours which works and which uses the \voiceOne and \voiceTwo macros, please?

Best regards
Milan Horak

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