Graham Percival wrote:

> I'm confused -- do you have a \version "1.x.y" inside your file?  If not,
> why not add that and let convert-ly do its stuff?

I have tried this method. But, convert-ly produces files with as many errors 
as the non-converted files have. Thus, convert-ly seemed not to be a big deal 
for me. Finally, editing the files manually is quicker.

> I just did a quick test (on 1.6.6) and \voiceOne makes stems up.  What
> version are you using?  Maybe you used the \voiceOne command somewhere
> where Lilypond wasn't expecting it.  Both \voiceOne and \voiceTwo work well
> on my system. (debian/testing, Lilypond 1.6.6)

I am using the version 1.6.4, and \voiceOne makes stems down. I have tried 
anything I could imagine to do with the source. Nothing helps. :-(

One of the final scores of the songs I have tried is (this one is converted 
per convert-ly and then manually edited to get rid of all the syntax errors):

\score {
        \simultaneous {
            \context Staff = mel {
              \property Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ"
              \property Staff.TimeSignature \override #'style = #'C
              \context Staff < 
                \notes {\voiceOne \sopran }
                \notes {\voiceTwo \alt }
            \context Lyrics \textB
            \context Lyrics \textC
            \context Lyrics \textD
            \context Staff = dolmel { \clef F
              \property Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ"
              \property Staff.TimeSignature \override #'style = #'C
              \context Staff < 
                \notes {\voiceOne \tenor }
                \notes {\voiceTwo \bas }
        \paper { indent = 0.0\cm linewidth = 18.0\cm }
        \midi  { \tempo 2 = 60 }

Could you post some score of yours which works and which uses the \voiceOne 
and \voiceTwo macros, please?

Best regards
          Milan Horak

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