On Sonntag, 29. September 2002 21:52, Alois Steindl wrote:
> Hello,
> thanks quite a lot for your answer!
> Unfortunately I did send an out-of-phase input file (I experimented with
> different settings). Now I rerun the example at home with the final block
> \score {
>          \simultaneous {
>            \addlyrics
>               \context Staff = mel
>               {
>               \melody }
>               \context Lyrics \text
>          }
>                            \midi  { \tempo 4=120}
>          \paper { papersize = "a4"  }
> }
> and obtained just one line with several overlaps in the text.
an (partial) answer to my own question:
I just tried the same input with lilypond 1.6.4 on an RedHat 7.3 system and it 
worked nicely. I will have to look into the cygwin tree, whether there are 
any old files hidden.
Best regards

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