thanks quite a lot for your answer!
Unfortunately I did send an out-of-phase input file (I experimented with 
different settings). Now I rerun the example at home with the final block
\score {
         \simultaneous {
              \context Staff = mel
                \melody }
              \context Lyrics \text
                           \midi  { \tempo 4=120}       
         \paper { papersize = "a4"  }

and obtained just one line with several overlaps in the text.

An additional question: The midi output doesn't seem to produce any 
sound when played with Winamp on Win2000. What might be the reason?

Best regards

PS.: I append the complete song for reference; hope that I don't waste 
too much bandwidth:

\header {
         title = "Der schlafende Apfel "
        tagline = " "
\paper{ papersize = "a4" }
\include "paper20.ly"
\include "deutsch.ly"
melody = \notes
        \relative c'' {
        \property Score.midiInstrument = "alto sax"
        \property Score.midiInstrument = "banjo"
        \key g \major
        \time 2/4
        d8 d e e | d4 h | c8 c a a |
        | d'8 d e e | d d h4 | c8 c a a | g2
  \bar "|."

text = \lyrics < {
            \context LyricsVoice = "Soprano-1"
            \property LyricsVoice .stanza = "1:"
            \property LyricsVoice .stz = "(1)"  
Lie- ber, lie- ber Ap- fel, bist so sch�n und
rund und die Mut- ter hat ge- sagt, �p- fel sind ge -- sund.
            \context LyricsVoice = "Soprano-2"
            \property LyricsVoice .stanza = "2:"
            \property LyricsVoice .stz = "(2)"  
Lie- ber, lie- ber Ap- fel, spring doch gleich vom Baum!
Schau, ich halt die Sch�r- ze schon un- ten an dem Saum.

\score {
         \simultaneous {
              \context Staff = mel
                \melody }
              \context Lyrics \text
                           \midi  { \tempo 4=120}       
         \paper { papersize = "a4"  }

Jan Nieuwenhuizen schrieb:
> Alois Steindl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>this week I tried the cygwin port of the new version 1.6.4 with a
>>little song.  Since the letters of the lyrics overlap each other, I
>>assume that I have to set some flag to change the spacing rule (from
>>note-length proportional to (maximum) word-width).  Is there any
>>flag for archieving sufficient space (except placing many breaks,
>>which the yields very large space for long notes with short text)?
>>\header {
>>%        title = "Der schlafende Apfel "
>>      tagline = " "
> This file should work fine, as long as you uncomment your paper
> block:
>>                          \midi  { \tempo 4=120}      
>>%        \paper { linewidth = 13.0 \cm }
> like so:
>           \paper { linewidth = 13.0 \cm }
>   }
> I suspect that you have been looking at previous versions, because
> the file you sent doesn't generate paper output.
> Jan.

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