i have some questions about lyrics on this:


1. in measures 11-12 of the soprano part, the extender line should
   stretch from "gnum" to "my".  because i have two blank lyrics in
   there (o ma -- gnum __ _ _ my), it only stretches between the first
   two notes.  i see in the example in the manual that if i were to
   group the notes with a slur, the line would extend the correct
   distance.  can i accomplish the same without adding a slur?
2. in the alto part in measures 19-21, the line extends across two
   rests.  how could i make it stop at the second half note?
3. at the end, there should be extender lines from the last syllable
   in each part to the double bar.  since there's no following note,
   lily says "warning: unbound spanner `LyricExtender'" and doesn't
   draw them.  how could i convince it to do it?
4. a question to see whether i'm missing a feature:  when a melisma
   stretches across many notes, i'm slipping hyphens in where it seems
   best, and the result looks like morse code:

  al -- le _ -- _ _ _ -- lu _ _ -- _ _ -- _ _ -- _ -- _ _ _ -- _ -- _ -- _ ja,

   is there a way i can say to lily, "a melisma lasts from this note
   to this note.  compute the distance and tastefully insert hyphens
   at regular intervals."?  i'm sure it would do a much better job
   than i do.  :)


| jeff covey [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://pobox.com/~jeff.covey/ 410-869-8088 |
|           i got your E-mail But What do i do now?and where do go?          |
|                                      -- freshmeat.net contributor          |

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