Ben McGunigle wrote:

> Where do I find the docs on using lyrics without \addlyrics?  I need to
> insert a sizeable rest/space in the lyrics line. r and s obviously won't
> work.  \addlyrics is too limiting for what I wish to do (part
> homophonic, part polyphonic).
> Thanks for your help.  Please CC off list.
> Ben

Ugh.  Found what I was looking for right in front of my nose.

What I really should have asked:  In the attached file, the different
sections of lyrics appear on different lines.  How do I get them all on one
line?  How do I convince one (or more) chunk of text to appear above the

\include ""

nt = \notes \transpose c'' \context Voice = nt {
  \property Voice.automaticMelismata = ##t
  c8 () cis d8. e16 f2
x = \lyrics {
a b c d

y = \lyrics {
 do4 re mi fa


        \context Staff = ooo 

                        \context Lyrics = aq {  }
                        \context Voice  = aw {  }
                         \context Voice = aw {\relative c'' a b c d}
                         \context Lyrics = aq {\x}

                        \context Lyrics = lb {  }
                        \context Voice = vb {  }
                         \context Voice = vb {\nt}
                         \context Lyrics = lb {\y}
                        \context Lyrics = xx { ddoaf4 asdfv fadf dads }
                        {a a a a}
  \paper { }

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