On Thu, Jan 10, 2002 at 09:29:19AM -0700, Ben McGunigle wrote: > Where do I find the docs on using lyrics without \addlyrics? I need to > insert a sizeable rest/space in the lyrics line. r and s obviously won't > work.
Have your tried "\skip 4"? That's what I use in such cases. > \addlyrics is too limiting for what I wish to do (part > homophonic, part polyphonic). I don't know, how complex your song is. Perhaps the following example helps you. (It's copyrighted, so use it only as an example.) \addlyrics is only used in the second part. Sopran = \notes \relative c' \context Voice = Sopran { \property Staff.midiInstrument = "bright acoustic" \time 4/4 \property Voice.Stem \override #'direction = #1 e2. e4 | e4( d8 c8~)c2 | g'4 g4 g4 a4 | e4( )d8 c8~c2 |\break f2 g4 a4 | g4 f4 e2 | f4 e4 d4 c4 b1 |\break e2 e4 e4 | e4 d8 c8~c2 | g'4 g4 g4 a4 | e4( )d8 c8~c2 |\break f2 g4 a4 | g4 f8 e8~e2 | f4 f4 e4 d4 | c2. \skip4 | \break } Alt = \notes \relative c' \context Voice = Alt { \property Staff.midiInstrument = "bright acoustic" \time 4/4 \property Voice.Stem \override #'direction = #-1 c2. d4 | c4( c8 a8~)a2 | b4 b4 e4 e4 | e4( )d8 c8~c2 |\break c2 c4 c4 | c4 c4 c2 | a4 a4 a4 a4 g1 |\break c2 d4 d4 | c4 b8 a8~a2 | b4 b4 e4 e4 | c4( )d8 c8~c2 |\break c2 c4 f4 | c4 c8 c8~c2 | c4 c4 c4 b4 | g2. r4 | \break } StropheSopran = \notes \relative c' \context Voice = Sopran { \property Voice.Stem \override #'direction = #1 \property Staff.automaticMelismata = ##t e2 e2 | a2 a4 a4 | g4 d4 e8 f4. | e1 |\break f4 f4 f4 f4 | g4 g4 g8 d4. | e1~ | e4 r2. |\break e2 e2 | a2 a2 | b4 b4 a8 b4. | c1 | c4 c c c | b4 b4 a8 a4. | g1~ | g2. r4 \bar "|." } StropheAlt = \notes \relative c' \context Voice = Alt { \property Voice.Stem \override #'direction = #-1 c2 c2 | f2 f4 f4 | d4 d4 b8 b4. | c1 |\break a4 a4 c4 c4 | b4 c4 d8 d4. | c1~ | c4 \skip2. |\break c2 c2 | f2 f2 | e4 e4 fis8 fis4. | a1 | fis4 fis fis fis | g4 g4 fis8 fis4. | d2( e | )fis2. \skip4 \bar "|." } Text = \lyrics {Mein2. -- ne4 Zeit1 steht4 in dein -- nen Hän4. -- den.2 \skip8 Nun2 kann4 ich ru -- hig sein,2 ru4 -- hig sein in dir.1 Du2 gibst4 Ge -- bor -- gen8 -- heit,2 \skip8 du4 kannst al -- les wen4. -- den.2 \skip8 Gib2 mir4 ein fes -- tes8 Herz,2 \skip8 mach4 es fest in dir.2. \skip4 } TextA = \lyrics {Sor4 -- gen quä -- len und wer -- den mir zu groß. Mut -- los frag ich: Was wird mor -- gen sein? Doch du liebst mich, du lässt mich nicht los. Va2 -- ter du4 wirst bei mir sein. } TextB = \lyrics {Hast4 und Ei -- le, \skip4 Zeit -- not und Be -- trieb neh -- men mich ge -- fan -- gen, ja -- gen mich. Herr, ich ru -- fe: Komm und mach mich frei! Füh2 -- re du4 mich Schritt für Schritt. } TextC = \lyrics {Es4 gibt Ta -- ge, die blei -- ben oh -- ne Sinn. Hilf -- los seh ich, wie die Zeit ver -- rinnt. Stun -- den, Ta -- ge, Jah -- re geh -- en hin, und ich frag, wo sie ge -- blie -- ben sind. } \score { \notes { \simultaneous { \context Staff <\Sopran \Alt> \context Lyrics \Text } \simultaneous { \addlyrics \context Staff <\StropheAlt \StropheSopran> \context Lyrics <\TextA \TextB \TextC> } } \midi { \tempo 4 = 180 } \paper { linewidth = 6.375 \in indent = 0.0 } } -- http://www.thomas.willhalm.de/ _______________________________________________ Lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user