Thanks for your reply. What you have described below does work. I got
mine working as well as a result. To use your example this is the
broken version of my file (which usually works for a single lyric line):

 > meloA = \notes { f'4 g'4 a'2 }
 > txtA = \lyrics { foo bar baz }
 > meloB = \notes { c'2 d'4 e'4 }
 > txtB = \lyrics { boo far faz }
 > \score {
 >   \notes <
 >     \addlyrics
 >       \context Staff = stafA \meloA
 >       \context Lyrics \txtA
Note the lack of a Lyrics label on the above line
 >     \addlyrics
 >       \context Staff = stafB \meloB
 >       \context Lyrics \txtB
Similarly here...
 >   >
 > }

Can you explain why this doesn't work? It doesn't seem to make much sense at present



Rune Zedeler writes:
 > Den 01-Jan-02 skrev Russell Smiley:
 > RS> I have two sets of lyrics - the main verse, and a
 > RS> harmony/descant. Each of the lyrics have different notes associated
 > RS> with them. I want to put the staffs in and have the lyrics correctly
 > RS> associated with each staff.
 > I am not sure I understand.
 > Can't you just do (not tested - I'm away from lily)
 > meloA = \notes { f'4 g'4 a'2 }
 > txtA = \lyrics { foo bar baz }
 > meloB = \notes { c'2 d'4 e'4 }
 > txtB = \lyrics { boo far faz }
 > \score {
 >   \notes <
 >     \addlyrics
 >       \context Staff = stafA \meloA
 >       \context Lyrics = lyrA \txtA
 >     \addlyrics
 >       \context Staff = stafB \meloB
 >       \context Lyrics = lyrB \txtB
 >   >
 > }

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