Am Mittwoch 26 Dezember 2001 09:41 schrieben Sie: > Dear sir, > > what's wrong with this file? Why doesn't it work? > > Kind Regards, > > Martijn P. Vromans
Happy Christmas, Martijn, the file should be modified like that: stemOne = \notes \relative c' { <c4-\arpeggio-\f g' c> \stemDown g'8.b,16 s2 } stemTwo = \notes \relative c' { s4 \stemUp g8. b,16 c8 r <e'8. g> <f16 a> } stemThree = \notes \relative c' { c4 g8. b,16 \autochange Staff {c8 c' c, c'} } \score { \context PianoStaff \notes < \context Staff = up < \time 2/2 \context Voice=one \stemOne \context Voice=two \stemTwo > \context Staff = down < \time 2/2 \clef bass \context Voice \stemThree > > \paper { } } meaning: a) no numeric characters in voice names, b) context declarations must be contained in some sort of bracketed block. (at least that is the method that works for me). The result is ugly, but it works. Hope this helps, Amy I'm enclosing a file that shows you what you can do. ---------------------------------------- Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"; name="Anhang: 1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Description: ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Content-Type: application/octet-stream; charset="iso-8859-1"; name="" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Description: ---------------------------------------- -- The New Testament offers the basis for modern computer coding theory, in the form of an affirmation of the binary number system. But let your communication be Yea, yea; nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil. -- Matthew 5:37
\version "1.4.1" \header { title = "O Mensch, bewein' dein' Sünde groß" subtitle = "a 2 Clav. e Pedale" composer = "J.S. Bach" tagline = "O Mensch, bewein' dein' Sünde groß (Bach)" meter = "Adagio assai" } \include "" \include "" #(set! point-and-click line-column-location) endMark = \property Score.RehearsalMark \override #'visibility-lambda = #begin-of-line-invisible beginMark = \property Score.RehearsalMark \revert #'visibility-lambda cue = { \property Voice.NoteHead \override #'font-relative-size = #-2 \property Voice.Stem \override #'font-relative-size = #-2 \property Voice.Beam \override #'font-relative-size = #-2 \property Voice.Slur \override #'font-relative-size = #-2 \property Voice.Accidentals \override #'font-relative-size = #-2 } unCue = { \property Voice.NoteHead \revert #'font-relative-size \property Voice.Stem \revert #'font-relative-size \property Voice.Beam \revert #'font-relative-size \property Voice.Slur \revert #'font-relative-size \property Voice.Accidentals \revert #'font-relative-size } stemDown = { \property Voice.Stem \set #'direction = #-1 \property Voice.Slur \set #'direction = #-1 \property Voice.Tie \set #'direction = #-1 } stemUp = { \property Voice.Stem \set #'direction = #1 \property Voice.Slur \set #'direction = #1 \property Voice.Tie \set #'direction = #1 } stemBoth = { \property Voice.Stem \set #'direction = #0 \property Voice.Slur \set #'direction = #0 \property Voice.Tie \set #'direction = #0 } noSlash = \property Grace.Stem \override #'flag-style = #'() slHd = { \property Voice.NoteHead \override #'style = #'slash \property Voice.Stem \override #'length = #0 } nslHd = { \property Voice.NoteHead \revert #'style \property Voice.Stem \revert #'length } crHd = \property Voice.NoteHead \override #'style = #'cross ncrHd = \property Voice.NoteHead \revert #'style sopranoVoice = \notes \relative c' { \partial 4 ef4 ef8^\mordent ~ef32 f ef f f8.^\prallprall ef32 f g16 af g f32 ef ef8 g16 f | \stemUp g8~g32 a g a a8.^\prallprall g32 a bf4^\fermata bf8 df16 c | af4^\trill g f16 g32 af g16 f ef f32 d ef16. f32 | g16 af32 f g16. a32 a8.^\trill bf16 bf4^\fermata c16 ef df c32^\prall bf | bf8~bf32 af32 g af af8.^\prall g32 af \grace { \noSlash af16 } g4 af16 g32 f g16.^\mordent af32 | \grace {\noSlash g16 } f16. g32 af bf c bf \grace {\noSlash af16 } g8()f16^\trill ef32 f ef4^\fermata ef ef r16 f af32 g16 af32 g8. f16 ef d ef g32 f | g32 f ef d ef f g a a8.^\prall bf16 bf4^\fermata bf | af16^\prall c bf af g af32 bf af16^\prall g f af g af32 f ef bf c d ef d ef f | g d ef f g f g a a8.^\prallprall g32 a bf4^\fermata c16. d32 ef d ef f | bf,8.^\mordent c16 bf8()af16^\prall g32 af g4 r16 g af c32 bf | c16 d d ef af,8 g16^\prall f32 ef ef4^\fermata ef'^\mordent | ef16 d c ef32 d ef8. f16 d8.^\prall c32 bf bf8. c32 df | c4~c16 d32 c b c b c g4^\fermata~g32 g a b c16 ef32 d | ef8. f32 g \grace {\noSlash f16 } ef8.^\prallprall d32 ef ef16 d c^\prall bf bf4~ | bf16 g'32 a, bf16.^\mordent ef!32 d8()c16^\prall bf bf4^\fermata g32 af g af af16^\prallprall g32 af | bf8. c32 df \grace {\noSlash df16 } c4 bf8.^\mordent c32 af g16 df' c bf | bf8~bf32 af g af af8.^\prallprall g32 af af16 g8.^\prall^\fermata f4 | g a bf~bf16 df c bf af g32 c bf16 af g8.^\prall f16 f4^\fermata bf | c16 d d ef ef d d f f32 d bf d ef g f ef d4^\prall~ | d16 bf' a32( bf a )bf d,8^\prall c16 bf bf4^\fermata ef, | f g af g8 gf \mark "Adagissimo" f16 ff d ef ef16. af32 g16 f32 ef ef4^\fermata \bar "|." } altoVoice = \notes \relative c' { \shiftOn \stemUp \partial 4 bf8 c16 df | c4 ~c16 d b c d4 c | bf8 \translator Staff = up \stemDown c16 d ef4~ef8 d16 c df4 | c8 ef16 d ef4~ef8 d ef4 | bf ef~ef8 d16 e f4~f8 bf, ef f~f ef16 d ef4~ef4. d8 ef16 bf c8 r16 bf c d ef4~ef8 d ef4 r | r16 bf c d ef g f ef d4 r16 f ef df | c8 d ef16 \translator Staff = down \stemUp g, af bf c8 bf~bf16 bf c d \translator Staff = up \stemDown | ef4~ef16 ef d c bf r r8 r4 | r16 f' ef df c bf c d ef4 r16 ef f g af af af bf r ef,8 d16 ef d ef f g f af g | g4~g16 bf a g f4~f16 f g af | g4~g16 g f ef d b c d ef d ef f g f ef d r16 g a8 bf fs g4~g f!8 ef~\stemUp ef16 ef d c \stemDown f f ef d | ef4~ef16 ef d c f8 ef16 d ef8 f~f16 e f e f8 \translator Staff = down \stemUp d~d16 df c bf af8 bf16 c | \translator Staff = up \stemDown df8 c16 df ef8 d16 ef f8 e16 f g f g e f4~f16 ef!8.~ef16 ef d c d8 ef16 f | g af af bf bf af af8 g8. a16 bf4~bf4~bf8 a bf4 r16 bf, c df c8 d16 ef d8 ef16 f ef8 \translator Staff = down \stemUp bf!~bf cf~cf4 bf8. af16 g4^\fermata \bar "|." } tenorVoice = \notes \relative c' { \stemDown \partial 4 g4 | af2 g g4~\stemBoth g8 f16 ef f4 g af bf2 bf8 af | g f ef f g f16 g af4~af8 g~g f bf4 af8 bf | c bf16 af bf8 af g8. af16 g4 r16 g af bf c8 bf~bf16 c bf af g f ef d | ef4 r r16 c' bf af! g4 r16 af g f \stemDown ef4~ef16 ef d c bf8 r | \stemBoth r16 af' g f ef g f ef d df' c bf af! bf af g | f8 g af f r16 g af bf c8. df16 ef f f g r c, bf af g f g af bf4~ | bf16 g a bf c4~c16 c bf a bf4~ | bf16 bf af g af ef' d c b g a b c4~c c8. c16 bf8 c d16 c d bf | c8 bf~bf16 bf8 a16 bf8 \translator Staff = up \stemDown f' \translator Staff = down \stemBoth bf,4~ | bf16 bf af g af4~af16 af g f g8 af16 bf c4. f,8~f e f16 g af8 g16 af bf8 a16 bf c8 bf16 c df8 c4~ | c16 af g f g8 a16 bf c4 r16 bf c d \translator Staff = up \stemDown | \property Voice.Stem \override #'length = #13.0 \shiftOnn ef f f g g f f d \property Voice.Stem \revert #'length d8 c r16 d ef f g8 f16 e f8 ef d16 \shiftOff \translator Staff = down \stemBoth f, g af bf4 | af16 bf c8 bf16 c d8 \stemDown c16 af g f ef d ef8 af4 g16 ef d8 ef4 \bar "|." } bassVoice = \notes \relative c { \partial 4 ef4 | af8 g f4 b, c8 d ef d c4 bf! ef f g8 bf16 af bf8 af g f | ef8 d c4 bf f'8 ef d ef c d ef d c bf af f bf4 ef, ef'8 d c bf af bf ef, f g f | ef d c f bf4 r r c8 bf af bf g f ef d c f bf4 f'8 ef | d ef f bf, ef d c bf af g f bf ef,4 ef'8 d c bf a f bf c d bf | ef e f4 f,8 f' ef d c d ef f g a bf g e c f f, bf4 ef8 f g ef c f d bf ef df c f, f'16 e f b, c4 df8 d ef e f fs g f e c f d ef c a4 af8 af' | g f16 ef f8 bf, ef d16 c g'8 f e c f f, bf af gf g af a bf b c d ef cf af f bf4 ef,^\fermata \bar "|." } Key = \notes \key ef \major \score { < \context PianoStaff \notes < \context Staff = up < \property Staff.midiInstrument = #"church organ" \property Staff.transposing = #12 \Key \sopranoVoice > \context Staff = down < \clef bass \property Staff.midiInstrument = #"church organ" \property Staff.transposing = #12 \Key \context Voice = alto \altoVoice \context Voice = tenor \tenorVoice > > \context Staff = pedals \notes < \property Staff.midiInstrument = #"church organ" \clef bass \Key \bassVoice > > \midi { \tempo 4=35 } \paper { linewidth = 15.0\cm \translator { \HaraKiriStaffContext } \translator { \ScoreContext BarNumber \override #'padding = #3 skipBars = ##t } } }