Antoniouk Sergio wrote:
> Thanks to everybody who helped me - lilypond now works very well, but

> \score
> {
>   \notes \context Staff = "StaffA" {
>       \relative c''
>       {
>        a' ( g f e | d8 f e g (
>        <
>          \context Voice = "VS" { \stemUp ) ) f4. d8 }
>          \context Voice = "VA" { \stemDown a8 c b d }
>        > |
>       }
>    }
> }
> I got some error message similar to "unclosed slur", and
> no slurs appeared in output.

The problem is that it makes no sense to make a slur from one voice to
If you start and end the slur in the same voice, there is no problem:

  \notes \context Staff = "StaffA" {
      \relative c''
       a' \( g f e | d8 f e g (
         { \stemUp ) \) f4. d8 }
         \context Voice = "VA" { \stemDown a8 c b d }
       > |

Notice how I replaced the outer slurs with Phrasing slurs - nested slurs
also makes no sense even though the file compiles alright.

If you need a name for the upper voice, you just instantiate it like

  \notes \context Staff = "StaffA" {
      \relative c''
      \context Voice = "VS" {
       a' \( g f e | d8 f e g (
         { \stemUp ) \) f4. d8 }
         \context Voice = "VA" { \stemDown a8 c b d }
       > |


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