Thanks to everybody who helped me - lilypond now works very well, but I got next problem:
I try to typeset some piece of music with two voices. I do it like this \score { \notes \context Staff = "StaffA" { \relative c'' { a' g f e | d8 f e g < \context Voice = "VS" { \stemUp f4. d8 } \context Voice = "VA" { \stemDown a8 c b d } > | } } } Everything looks good, but I need two slurs - one from a' in first bar to f4. in voice VS, and second slur from g in second bar to f4. in voice VS. When I try to do it like this \score { \notes \context Staff = "StaffA" { \relative c'' { a' ( g f e | d8 f e g ( < \context Voice = "VS" { \stemUp ) ) f4. d8 } \context Voice = "VA" { \stemDown a8 c b d } > | } } } I got some error message similar to "unclosed slur", and no slurs appeared in output. Can you help me please? _______________________________________________ Lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]