Den 29-Sep-01 skrev Jérémie Lumbroso: [scheme] JL> Would you mind writing me one that would replace : JL> \slurDown \grace {d8 () s} \slurUp JL> JL> by : JL> \gracen {d}
Well, I would use the c preprocessor for that purpose. just do #define gracen(x) \slurDown \grace {x8 () s} \slurBoth in the start of the program. You then insert your grace as gracen(d) notice the missing backslash and the round brackets. Ofcourse, then, you have to call the c preprocessor on your ly-file: instead of $ ly2dvi you do $ cpp | ly2dvi >file.dvi I haven't actually tried this, but it should work. -Rune _______________________________________________ Lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]