>> > In procedure open-file: No such file or directory: >> > "/System/Library/Fonts/??????????? W4.ttc" [...] >> > >> > SO it looks to me like there's a problem with not getting UTF characters >> > into the proper file name in the Scheme procedure. Any ideas for what to >> > do next? >> >> What does `fc-list` report? Do you see correct file names? >> (`fc-list` should come with the FontConfig library). > > Shows the fonts with the appropriate kana/kanji names: > > carl@carls-mbp-2 Fonts % fc-list | grep W4 > > /System/Library/Fonts/ヒラギノ丸ゴ ProN W4.ttc: Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN, > [...]
OK, thanks. This means that there is apparently a macOS-specific problem with either Guile or LilyPond. For testing purposes I renamed one of my local fonts to something containing Katakana, and my self-compiled LilyPond binary could load this font without any glitch. Jean, Jonas, any idea how to proceed? Werner