Thanks for the hint, Dan! I got to a new log file that gave me what I believe is a helpful error message:
carl@carls-mbp-2 build % cat out/lybook-testdb/0f/lily-acefd898.log Processing `0f/' Parsing... Renaming input to: `/Users/carl/Development/lilypond/input/regression/' Writing header field `texidoc' to `0f/lily-acefd898.texidoc'... Layout output to `0f/lily-acefd898.eps'... /Users/carl/Development/lilypond/build/out/share/lilypond/current/ly/ error: Guile signaled an error for the expression beginning here # (let ((book-handler (if (defined? 'default-toplevel-book-handler) In procedure open-file: No such file or directory: "/System/Library/Fonts/??????????? W4.ttc" I checked out the /System/Library/Fonts directory, and found these fonts listed: ヒラギノ角ゴシック W3.ttc ヒラギノ角ゴシック W4.ttc SO it looks to me like there's a problem with not getting UTF characters into the proper file name in the Scheme procedure. Any ideas for what to do next? Thanks, Carl > >