Usually, whenever the Lilypond master branch is updated, I fetch the upstream master branch then rebase my master branch of my repository to theirs. However, the new updates I received today have basically broke my build environment. I cannot unsuccessfully build the upstream master branch. First comes a compilation error, so I wondered if the merge request I created just now would help: . With that patch, it does compile successfully, but I get a very concerning error when invoking make test-baseline without any arguments:

           0 (apply-smob/1 #<catch-closure 7fdfbf04fb20>)

ERROR: In procedure apply-smob/1:
In procedure primitive-load-path: Unable to find file "lily/lily" in load path
test results in  ./out/test-output-distance
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/lj/projects/internships/2023/lilypond/scripts/build/", line 1419, in <module>
  File "/home/lj/projects/internships/2023/lilypond/scripts/build/", line 1407, in main
  File "/home/lj/projects/internships/2023/lilypond/scripts/build/", line 1353, in run_tests
  File "/home/lj/projects/internships/2023/lilypond/scripts/build/", line 1340, in test_basic_compare
    system(' '.join(args))
  File "/home/lj/projects/internships/2023/lilypond/scripts/build/", line 67, in system["/bin/bash", "-c", c.encode('utf-8')], check=True, cwd=cwd)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/", line 571, in run
    raise CalledProcessError(retcode, process.args,
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['/bin/bash', '-c', b'/home/lj/projects/internships/2023/lilypond/build/out/bin/lilypond -dseparate-page-formats=ps -daux-files -dtall-page-formats=ps --formats=ps -dseparate-log-files -dinclude-eps-fonts -dgs-load-fonts --header=texidoc -dcheck-internal-types -danti-alias-factor=1 20 19 20grob 20multipage 19multipage addedremoved']' returned non-zero exit status 1. make[2]: *** [/home/lj/projects/internships/2023/lilypond/build/.././scripts/build/GNUmakefile:10: local-test] Error 1 make[1]: *** [/home/lj/projects/internships/2023/lilypond/build/../ test] Error 2 make: *** [/home/lj/projects/internships/2023/lilypond/build/../ test-baseline-pre] Error 2

If I invoke the lilypond build with no args:

GNU LilyPond 2.25.7 (running Guile 2.2)
           0 (apply-smob/1 #<catch-closure 7f70a944bb20>)

ERROR: In procedure apply-smob/1:
In procedure primitive-load-path: Unable to find file "lily/lily" in load path


I have no idea what significantly changed since the latest merge cycle, but if anyone can help me resolve these errors or revert my master branch to before that merge cycle, that would help me a lot.

- Jason Yip

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