> Le 25 déc. 2022 à 19:10, Paolo Prete <paolopr...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> BTW:
> { 
>   \override TupletBracket.bracket-visibility = ##f
>   \tuplet 3/2 { s8 s8 s8 }
> }
> In 2.24.0 and previous versions this raises the "omitting tuplet bracket with 
> neither left nor right bound" warning, even if the bracket-visibility is 
> explicitly set to false.

Why would that change anything? With bracket-visibility = #f, the tuplet 
bracket is still there, just not visible. The tuplet number is still there and 
can be visible.

> It would be good, IMHO, that the warning is not raised in similar cases, 
> especially if a tuplet of skips is expected as the result of some function.
> I wonder if there is already a workaround for this

There is this…

#(ly:expect-warning "omitting tuplet bracket with neither left nor right bound")

I won’t know if there is a better workaround until I’ll have delved into 
Tuplet_engraver. At which point there should be a fix anyway.

> and if it can be tracked as an issue on GitLab.

I don’t understand why you think this necessitates an issue separate from the 
one that has already been created.

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