BTW: { \override TupletBracket.bracket-visibility = ##f \tuplet 3/2 { s8 s8 s8 } }
In 2.24.0 and previous versions this raises the "omitting tuplet bracket with neither left nor right bound" warning, even if the bracket-visibility is explicitly set to false. It would be good, IMHO, that the warning is not raised in similar cases, especially if a tuplet of skips is expected as the result of some function. I wonder if there is already a workaround for this and if it can be tracked as an issue on GitLab. Thanks! Best Paolo On Sun, Dec 25, 2022 at 6:44 PM Jean Abou Samra <> wrote: > Le 25/12/2022 à 18:40, Paolo Prete a écrit : > > What error are you referring to, exactly? In case of my last snippet, > > which produces a tuplet of three skips, it compiles fine with previous > > versions. > > For me, > > \version "2.24.0" > > \tuplet 3/2 { s s s } > > > gives (in 2.24.0) > > Interpreting music... > > warning: omitting tuplet bracket with neither left nor right bound > > (OK, not a programming error but a warning, I misremembered). > > > > > > I understand that a tuplet of skips doesn't make sense in a > > score, but I believe it makes sense in a function. > > > I have some functions in my library that can obtain these > > tuplets as the result of some processing and this causes troubles > > for me. Therefore I wonder how I can get rid of the previous error. > > > > > > Frankly, unless you are really after 2.25 features, which aren’t > > that numerous at this early point in its development cycle, I > > would just use 2.24 and wait for this bug to be fixed in 2.25. > > > > > > > > Of course I'll wait for the fix, there's no need for me to have my > > library compatible with 2.25.0. > > However, one thing is not clear to me. The tracked issue ( > > ) talks about > > improving a failure message for a weird tuplet, but I ask: should a > > tuplet of skips raise an error or warning? > > > Well no. The title could be edited. > > >