Le 21/09/2022 à 09:36, Andrew Bernard a écrit :
Hello Jonas,

As the present 'owner' of OLL I never thought OLL was a critical dependency of Lilypond. This has never been my understanding. I believe there is an issue with edition engraver, but I can't see how that should stop a significant Lilypond release. If people depend on the edition engraver then they will have to remain on the Lilypond release where it works (I can't recall the version.) As with Lilypond, OLL is totally under-resourced. The number of people currently working on the codebase is 0-1 (the 1 being overworked Jean). I'm not likely to get to fix this for at least a few weeks or even months, sorry to say.

I've just pushed a commit on oll-core that avoids call/cc entirely (using the same code as on the description of https://gitlab.com/lilypond/lilypond/-/issues/6430), so this should be worked around for now, although the underlying LilyPond/Guile issue of course remains.

For the rest, I need to think more, I'll reply later.

(And yes, I don't currently intend to work more on openLilyLib than helping it to keep up with recent LilyPond version.)

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