On Wed, 2022-09-21 at 17:36 +1000, Andrew Bernard wrote:
> Hello Jonas,
> As the present 'owner' of OLL I never thought OLL was a critical 
> dependency of Lilypond. This has never been my understanding. I believe 
> there is an issue with edition engraver, but I can't see how that should 
> stop a significant Lilypond release. If people depend on the edition 
> engraver then they will have to remain on the Lilypond release where it 
> works (I can't recall the version.) As with Lilypond, OLL is totally 
> under-resourced. The number of people currently working on the codebase 
> is 0-1 (the 1 being overworked Jean). I'm not likely to get to fix this 
> for at least a few weeks or even months, sorry to say.
> Please go ahead without depending on OLL. If it has been now been 
> decided that OLL is a critical resource then I need to rewrite some 
> notes about it on the website and we have to recruit people to work on it.

This is not about OLL being a "critical dependency" or "fixing" it, it
is about LilyPond on Windows crashing for a construct which is used by
OLL. As demonstrated by Jean, this potentially affects all uses of
call/cc and in particular OLL, which I just mentioned because I don't
know how critical it is to support this construct.

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