Le 20/07/2022 à 21:42, Colin Campbell a écrit :

On 2022-07-20 09:10, Jean Abou Samra wrote:
Hi Colin,

There should normally have been a countdown yesterday, is everything OK for you?

Thanks for your concern, Jean!

As it happened, I had a bit of a mishap with my planer yesterday: I learned that it emphatically doesn't like end-grain Douglas Fir, and it shot my workpiece back at me, very hard. Had I been standing an inch or so to the right, I would no longer be singing bass. The event seems to have distracted me from the countdown, preoccupied as I was with matters in my midsection.

It does, however, lead me to suggest to the developers that we go to a fixed schedule, with countdowns beginning on Monday, Wednesday and Friday every week, rather than the present, somewhat fluid, setup of every second day. That may be easier to keep on track, and also sets aside the effects of time zones. I would still face the retired person's challenge, where every day is Saturday, but at least there are enough other cues, such as choir rehearsals and booking swimming times, that the risk is mitigated. I am also content to continue the present schedule of alternate days, should the developers prefer 182 countdowns per year rather than 156.

At any rate, there are 4 MRs which should have gone to Push last night, so I propose to do a countdown later today, followed by the next one on Friday, which would fit either schema, and go forward with guidance from the developers. I shall also find other ways of flattening end-grain cutting boards.

Fine by me. I hope you're well.


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