Le 08/07/2022 à 13:28, Volodymyr Prokopyuk a écrit :
Hi LilyPond developers, Thank you very much for the outstanding work you are doing! Lilypond is the best of breed program for music engraving! *Context* I'm engraving Ukrainian folk songs for bayan (button accordion) using Ukrainian language for score titles and entries for the table of contents (TOC). *Feature* Support UTF-8 in general and Ukrainian in particular in a PDF viewer TOC side panel. Currently Okular and Firefox PDF viewers show interrogation signs (?) for Ukrainian characters [image: image.png] *Minimal example* \version "2.23.10" \markuplist \table-of-contents \tocItem \markup "Українська мова" \score { \relative { c' } } \tocItem \markup "Lilypond найкраща програма" \score { \relative { c' } } Minimal example output toc.pdf as well as the toc.ly source are attached. Thank you very much, Vlad
Thank you for reporting this bug. Since it is, well, a bug, its report should go to the bug-lilypond list as explained here:
https://lilypond.org/bug-reports.html Thanks, Jean