Hi LilyPond developers,

Thank you very much for the outstanding work you are doing! Lilypond is the
best of breed program for music engraving!


I'm engraving Ukrainian folk songs for bayan (button accordion) using
Ukrainian language for score titles and entries for the table of contents


Support UTF-8 in general and Ukrainian in particular in a PDF viewer TOC
side panel. Currently Okular and Firefox PDF viewers show interrogation
signs (?) for Ukrainian characters

[image: image.png]

*Minimal example*

\version "2.23.10"
\markuplist \table-of-contents
\tocItem \markup "Українська мова"
\score { \relative { c' } }
\tocItem \markup "Lilypond найкраща програма"
\score { \relative { c' } }

Minimal example output toc.pdf as well as the toc.ly source are attached.

Thank you very much,
\version "2.23.10"
\markuplist \table-of-contents
\tocItem \markup "Українська мова"
\score { \relative { c' } }
\tocItem \markup "Lilypond найкраща програма"
\score { \relative { c' } }

Attachment: toc.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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