The publication is only the front page and 6 pages of music, so there is no
editorial. But I have quite a lot of accordion sheet music, so I will have
a look and see if I can find something this weekend. A quick google search
found a discussion, but not a very good description. See below. Please
email me directly if you have more questions since I am not on the devel

> The Frosini book is compiled of reprinted material from the 1930's and
> 40's. I have a replica of one of the old accordions with only one switch.
> It would merely mute the lower set(s) of reeds. So R would mean full
> voice and * would indicate that the lower voice should be muted.

Tom Cato

ons. 30. mar. 2022 kl. 15:56 skrev Werner LEMBERG <>:

> Hello Tom,
> since I'm not sure whether you have sent the PDF to the list also (if
> so, your e-mail is still in the queue, I presume) I've forwarded an
> image of your PDF.
> David Kastrup has some more questions (attached); it would be nice if
> you could respond, ideally directly to the list.
>     Werner
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Kastrup <>
> To: Werner LEMBERG <>
> Cc:
> Bcc:
> Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2022 15:35:22 +0200
> Subject: Re: LilyPond's 'oldEE' accordion symbol
> Werner LEMBERG <> writes:
> >> in 1998 you introduced the 'oldEE' accordion symbol to LilyPond's
> >> Emmentaler font.  Since some time we are wondering where this symbol
> >> comes from; we weren't able to find any reference to it.  Could you
> >> please tell us where you got this from?
> >
> > Tom replied and sent me a PDF with a scan of the first three pages of
> > an accordion transcription of the 'Emperor Waltz', published in 1948
> > by Alfred Music, New York.
> >
> > Attached is an image showing the first few bars; I can forward the PDF
> > in private e-mail on request.
> Accordion editions of this age did not really have standardised symbols:
> I suppose there is a synopsis in the first (editorial) pages of the
> publication?
> It would be really interesting to know how much use this symbol might
> have seen, and whether it was from more than one publisher.
> --
> David Kastrup

Tom Cato Amundsen <>       
GNU Solfege - free ear training

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