Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> writes:

>> in 1998 you introduced the 'oldEE' accordion symbol to LilyPond's
>> Emmentaler font.  Since some time we are wondering where this symbol
>> comes from; we weren't able to find any reference to it.  Could you
>> please tell us where you got this from?
> Tom replied and sent me a PDF with a scan of the first three pages of
> an accordion transcription of the 'Emperor Waltz', published in 1948
> by Alfred Music, New York.
> Attached is an image showing the first few bars; I can forward the PDF
> in private e-mail on request.

Accordion editions of this age did not really have standardised symbols:
I suppose there is a synopsis in the first (editorial) pages of the

It would be really interesting to know how much use this symbol might
have seen, and whether it was from more than one publisher.

David Kastrup

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