Am Di., 8. Feb. 2022 um 16:54 Uhr schrieb Jonas Hahnfeld via
Discussions on LilyPond development <>:
> We are happy to announce the release of LilyPond 2.23.6. This is termed
> a development release, but these are usually reliable. If you want to
> use the current stable version of LilyPond, we recommend using the
> 2.22.1 version.
> This release also marks a transition towards Guile 2.2: The binaries
> available from are built using GUB with
> Guile 1.8, while the packages available from
> were created with the new infrastructure developed over the past
> months, making use of Guile 2.2. We encourage testing with your scores
> to make sure that future releases of LilyPond will continue to work for
> you. If there are problems with the version using Guile 2.2 that cannot
> be reproduced with the binaries using Guile 1.8, we would love to hear
> about them as early as possible.
> The binaries with Guile 2.2 are different in a number of ways, the two
> major changes being:
> 1. All binaries are 64-bit only and available for Linux, Windows (via
> mingw), and macOS. In particular, this finally means official binaries
> that work on macOS >= 10.15, which cannot run 32-bit programs anymore.
> 2. There is no installation, simply extract the downloaded tar or zip
> (for Windows) archive and run it. The binaries don't include a GUI
> anymore, we recommend using third-party editors such as Frescobaldi.

Hi Jonas,

I tested 2.23.6 from various sources wrt time, always doing
time lilyversion-to-test
The results (I post always the second run):

%% repository

self-compiled lilypond-git
out of
9e8645564f (HEAD, tag: release/2.23.6-1) Release: bump Welcome versions.
with guile-2.2.7

real    0m47,518s
user    0m47,007s
sys    0m1,145s


real    0m31,956s
user    0m31,420s
sys    0m0,868s

%% GitLab-archive

(with guile-2.2.7)

real    0m42,682s
user    0m42,008s
sys    0m0,900s

%% installer

(with guile-1.8.8)

real    0m32,733s
user    0m31,364s
sys    0m1,337s

Obviously the version from GitLab is significantly slower than the
self-compiled version with compiled guile-code.
No clue why.

Apart from that, the version via installer does (and always did):
"A script in /home/hermann/bin will be created as a shortcut."
With the GitLab-archive I have to care myself. Not a big deal, a
little inconvenient, though.
Any chance to have such a script autogenerated again?


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