It works with Guile 2.2, but with a lot of the mentioned warnings. The .nix files I attached describe a recipe for building LilyPond, and two packages are built in the shell.nix file, so yes, I am building both, using the same recipe, but one with Guile 1.8, and one with Guile 2.2. Both are using the same FontConfig for sure. The binaries under Nix are not really self-contained, so it would be a challenge to create a binary. But I will try to isolate the issue.
To test the Nix files you don't need a VM, Nix can be installed as a per-user package manager on OSX and almost any GNU/Linux distribution, but a VM may be a cleaner solution for you. On Wed, Feb 9, 2022 at 11:09 AM Jonas Hahnfeld <> wrote: > Am Mittwoch, dem 09.02.2022 um 00:15 +0330 schrieb Omid Mo'menzadeh: > > Thanks for the amazing work. > > I get a bunch "Fontconfig error: No writable cache directories" warnings > > using Guile 2.2, that I don't get with Lilypond compiled with Guile 1.8. > > This might be a packaging issue, but since I'm using both on the same > > system, I thought I'd share. > > Thanks for reporting. So to make sure I understand, you compile > LilyPond yourself and when using Guile 1.8 it works, but with Guile 2.2 > it doesn't? Both are using the same version of Fontconfig? Would you > mind trying the provided binaries, to rule out that there's something > wrong with LilyPond itself and it's indeed related to packaging? > > > The run-time is also heavily slower using > > Guile 2.2, with 13.37s for Guile 1.8 and 64.68s for Guile 2.2, which > might > > partly be related to the warning I mentioned. > > Some slowdown is expected because we don't have byte-compiled Scheme > files yet, but certainly not in that magnitude. > > > I'm using NixOS unstable. I will attach my shell.nix file to help with > > reproduction if needed.. > > Sounds like I need to install yet another VM... > > Jonas >